Category Archives: Garage Door Monitor to the rescue

I got stubborn and wanted to have a way to send data from my sensor to a Google script and then have the Google script update a Google Sheet.  The problem I ran into was that Google was looking for an HTTPS connection to act like a good secure internet citizen.  I could not figure […]

Protoboard Connections

There are several pieces to this portion of the project. Get the project running on my breadboard to make sure all of the pieces worked. Design and create a box to hold the protoboard so I can mount it in the garage. Figure out a 5V power supply. Position all of the components on the […]

Breadboard and testing

I’ve actually been testing this for a while.  I use the Arduino IDE 1.6.5 with the NODEMCU board and then just connect with USB. Works well and I can use the serial port for debugging and learning. The switch test fixture has made it really easy to test this out. As with the other stuff, […]

State Diagram for the garage door

I’ve been trying to figure out how to characterize and check for the states and transitions that I want to monitor and control.  It’s making my head hurt since I’ve not done this type of stuff in a while. Here’s what the state of the door looks like over time. The information I am gathering […]

Designing and printing the sensor brackets

Sensor Mounting Brackets. The first step was to measure the area around where I thought I would install the sensors. The Magnet will go on the door and then a sensor clipped onto the rail for the open position and to the wall bracket for closed.  I just used a set of calipers and a […]